Monday, April 21, 2003

They are celebrating eastern here in Germany  so do I having a new era in Iraq hopefully brightful one. But in Iraq there is not much been done considering security and law.
I stopped blogging for a while, because I was very worried about my family in Baghdad but yesterday my sister in Netherlands called me to tell me that my father have had called her from Baghdad by renting the satellite mobile phone ( thuraya - they started selling one minute for 10 bucks ) saying that everything is ok and everyone is safe. So that was very good to hear.
For the last week, there was unclear sight about the next step towards democracy in Iraq . it is a very critical time, where false interpretation to the freedom could taken place.
After all what happened in Baghdad and other cities around Iraq, from looting to lawlessness, many people have blamed us-army for being responsible to this. if you look down to the picture where Iraqi young-man trying to hit the face of Saddam's statue, describing his way of insulting such a dictator, you will find that this place is the ministry of oil.. that was the first transmission from Baghdad on that day before the coalition forces reaches the Palestine hotel. it is very shameful that they secure such a place and didn't do it for other important  administrative and heritage building (such as Iraqi national museum). For such kind of incidents you can't feel nothing but pessimism. That was very sad and dangerous for Iraqi people who want to open a new page in the new Iraq which based on human right and civil government and democracy. And thinking of those values, I found that the only way getting out of such situation is to look forward and to prove to every one in the world that we are able to make changes and we will do it.

The key to our goal is to be Optimistic.

So I started blogging today after receiving an email from someone used to read my blog everyday. I didn't thought that there is someone other than dalia which is a friend of mine in the USA. But this email gave me the intention to write again. thank you zareen :-)

I've had a date yesterday with a German lady which I knew through an internet community, she is very nice. Although we were dating, we didn't talk private because a girlfriend of her was also there. Our date was in Esslingen. It is a small city in the frontier of Stuttgart where I live. The whole conversation was about Iraq and Saddam. It wasn't unusual for me because I always do it while German are very interesting in Iraq and they want to know something about the truth of Iraqi history. In this meeting I told them that is very important in this stage that the us-troops should stay in Iraq for a while, because of violence. It is also important that a new law should be established in order to enable Iraq to fulfil its dream towards democracy. As Ahmad Chalabi said, it is not important for any politician to be the president of Iraq  because every one can do this job and if Iraqi realize this matter, they will know that the president is just an employee in the government of Iraq who's job is to serve the people of Iraq.

With all respect to all various religions in Iraq  I don't want Iraq to be ruled by religious group  Let religion be free but don't interfere in the government affair. I am saying that without forgetting that I grew up in a shia muslim family. That means that not all the shia want Islamic republic in Iraq and being more than 60% of Iraq doesn't mean that all of us will choose religious government.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Questions and Fear

Obviously the situation in Baghdad and many of the cities in Iraq are very ugly and unstable. In Najaf a recognised Shiite figure has been shot and slaughtered inside imam Ali's shrine. Looting incidents everywhere in Iraq. Haven't they thought this through carefully before they decide to start the war against Saddam? Is this the beginning of abandoning Iraqi? Do they want to keep security by assigning a mayor from a local tribe and then abandon everything? is this Democracy?

Maybe it is too early to talk about it but things are going wrong everyday. Instead of shooting at cars and then apologise, why don't they warn people in Baghdad. What will be our fate?

Al Gore knows about such complications and what threat might bring with but my question is: are there enough american there who care about what al gore say?

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Baghdad is liberated

US-Army near Palestine-Hotel are waiting for SAHAF to show up, but there is no sign of him yet :-)

Tuesday, April 08, 2003


News by BBC-Network

Tanks from the US 3rd Infantry advanced across a main bridge over the River Tigris to attack Iraqi fighters dug in on the eastern bank. Heavy fire left the nearby Planning Ministry ablaze.

US marines moved through eastern suburbs of the city on Tuesday, encountering sporadic resistance from Iraqi forces. Other US forces are reportedly moving into the city from the north west

US forces say they have captured the Rasheed airbase 5km (three miles) from the centre of Baghdad

Three journalists - one from Arabic news channel al-Jazeera, one from Reuters news agency and one from a Spanish television station - have been killed and four more injured by American fire in central Baghdad

US military officials are assessing the results of an air raid on a residential part of Baghdad targeting Saddam Hussein, which is believed to have left at least nine civilians dead



I was surfing the net yesterday and searching about Iraq-domain in the net (Iraqi-domain is IQ . I wanted to look after, if there is some announcement about this domain. What I've found was that a person called saud alani (might also be Al-3ani) whom resident in Texas, has the rights for this domain. I thought that such rights would be only for governments or organizations. Who is this guy and what could be his role in post-war Iraq?

For those who are interesting in Internet-access in Iraq
Iraq was under sanction for almost 13 years and during the Internet revolution, Iraq couldn't have his unique domain. The official ISP (Internet Service Provider) in Iraq was under control of Iraqi-regime functioning under the IP-Address and having the domain name of The official website of the regime was firstly hosted by a French ISP and due to my curiosity, I started checking out where the server is and gathering information about it. As the Iraqis started having their Internet cafes, I realized that the ISP have changed to be owned by the Iraqi-government (A Telecommunication Company *almost unknown*). The most astonished discovery though, was the location of this server. I was shocked when I traced the location of uruklink this time by using neotrace program. This program shows how packets get from your computer to another by displaying all nodes between your computer and the trace target. Why should a government like Iraq with such history of occupying his neighbor Kuwait, let his server be stationed in Kuwait itself? may be it was a bug in this program but that was the result I've got.

Iraq was functioning as a big LAN (local area network) or Intranet by using A Class Private-Network With such addressing, Iraq can produce internally 16.7 Million IP-Addresses by assigning a subnet mask of By using a proxy server and routing through the IP:, ordinary Iraqi people such as salam pax were able to have Internet-access. This access which was bought by the Iraqi-gov from a company called SMS (Satellite Media Services) in United Kingdom. This company have the capacity to sell ISPs a Satellite-based-Internet-Connection with the speed of 2 mbps for both up and Down - stream.


Me and my friend Aji were very shocked as we saw the pictures of Ahmed Al Chalabi entering Iraq with some fighters. It's not because of him personally, but the way how the Iraqi-fighters showed their loyalty to Ahmed.

This is not the way we want to start our new Iraq. It's not like we undermine the role of Ahmed Al Chalabi, but at the same time Iraqi should open their mind and forget about exaggeration and dancing on the street for whom could be in charge. On the other hand, Iraqi should stay as they always were, loyal to their country and not to some individuals. The president or whatever might be called in post-war Iraq should serve the people and country, and we will serve this country. Therefor, it's democracy what we need and not food and medicine as G.W.Bush said. I demand it again and again, We refuse this kind of figure-loyalty and look forward for a democratic new Iraq. I really dislike republicans, and Bush could not be my Hero, but other democrats might be just as weak as they ever could start dealing with their agents.

Another thing that disturbs me, is the Arab/Iranian media/politics and how they look at this conflict. Iraqi are proud people and they wont accept any foreign regime or any sort of occupation. But don't you think that this time we have no other chance just to depend on the coalition? No one talks about the killing and torturing of this corrupting regime. Instead they want to make it a new case to get the extremists more extreme and let them have another role in the demolition of Iraq. Please leave us alone this time. Let us live like others. I don't think that US bases is something evil. And I think that post-war Iraq without USA is just like Somalia. Look what is happening in the Gulf, Japan, South Korea, Europe and especially Germany. So please stop acting the role of patriots for others' land. The Arab-fidayeen are dying for the sake of Saddam and not for the sake of Iraqi people. Being hosted as special guests in Al-Rasheed Hotel, transferring methods like wahabism and suicide bombing, is neither helpful nor civilized. No one helped us during the sanction. Instead we were unwelcomed by all Arab countries. Iraqi were refugees in Europe, USA, Canada and Australia. Under such kind of (kafara) as you thought, people were free to practice their religion and free to talk.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

No Sun

I am kind of lazy today.. The life has no meaning here in germany.. They all wondering how the iraqis living their day life so normaly, hearing wham and boom and cruise missile, not birds and their chirp. Well, those sounds could be just like the chirrup, but living under the terror of saddam and his paritsan (baathis, as they call them here in germany) is like hell. And here in germany, life is stillstand since i finished my school. Not only for me but for my german freinds also. No jobs, no innovation, no development, no sun. No Sun No Sun. If you go out in the city, you will find no one on the street as if they were bombed just the night befor. Watching TV wont help much, because i am sick of analyst and their misrable background *they do'nt know eather where the pictures come from* and every question will be nothing like *well jim, i can not tell you from where i am what the truth is* *sigh*
I felt homesick once, just after i left my country, family and freinds. It took me 1 week and every thing went ok. for 7 years i did'nt felt so depressed but those days. I hope i was there to watch my dream which i've allready had in 1991 comes true. I think, it's better for me to go to sleep now.

Saturday, April 05, 2003

ba6al el filim lihathal yom is SAHAF :-)

More insulting comments such as mot el kirafhom and 3loj *g* but he is moving around like a dog.. i like this daily show with m.s. sahhaf
They are in baghdad ... it is your end saddoomy
A very funny thing happens in the south of iraq and that is all the kids are very curious when they see a british soldier. The feather on the Beret or whatever they call it, makes the british looks very peaceful *g*

The picture bellow gives a better explanation to what i want to mean

- Iraqi TV shows pictures about saddam walking around in baghdad. All the journalist are asking, is it him?
Yes he is, another demonstration to tell the iraqis that he's still there
- Two iraqi women (suicide bombers) attaked the coalition force and took three other lives with them.
Go to hell saddam.. So you are asking the coalition to kill the civilian, eh?
- The funny man Sahaf is saying that tonight, they will use (asli7a *3er ta8lidiyah) ya3nee Unconventional
I bet, they will use this time kids!
- The media in germany showed us pictures of muslims in the mosque praying and the imam (as they declared: shias mosque) with a gun in the hand calling the people for jihad
Well, it was'nt shia's mosque. It was the firday pray at imam hanifa in Al-Adhamiya (sunni-mosque) *why saddam thinks he can depend on shia this time?*
- Mohammed walks 5 days to find the US-Amry and to tell them about the place where the 19 years old POW jessica lynch
Mohammed, you did a great job by doing this and risking your life

Friday, April 04, 2003

The latest news.. IQ:UK Iraq won 9:3 the latest soccer match against the Royal-Team in Al-Zubair south of Iraq .
In the Briefing-Press-Conference, the General said this 'Formaly known saddam international airport is now Baghdad International Airport.' Or to make it correct i say: Formaly known Baghdad International Airport has benn leberated. *hüpf*
I slept the last night watching those images from Najaf, oh boy oh boy.. did you saw how the US-Army treat such kind of sensitive aria? I think it is something I would'nt do eather. When you know that, there is something Evil like fedayeen-saddam hiding themeselfs in the mosque, could you get back because of the holly place? well, they did it. And gain also a good image towards fighting the evil of saddam. I was always proud of my people. Every one saw how they resist the US-Army getting into the shrine. I can'nt understand such a thing but it was very peaceful and made us be proud that this conflict is also about us iraqis. I realy can'nt believe a word from my government, but i think this guy Sahaf is very cute *g* Yesterday he had a video conference with al-jazeera network. I can not receive this chanel but CNN showed us a translated version but you can hear the original voice of him in arabic.. and he said (mot il kirafhom *lol* and make this evil-grins) Hahahaha. Well, realy i enjoy his coments.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Najaf is by now clean from the fidayeen. The clashes are taken place near the international airport and for the first time since the beginning of the war, bagdad goes dark. I've had a headache today..
I am also a little bit upset about this:

The U.S. Army has suspended a Hungarian-based program that sought to train Iraqi dissidents for non-combat roles in the war, military officials said Monday.
I was reading some blogs on the main site.. through the kevinsites i accedently found this article on msnbc about you..

Blogs, of course, are perfectly suited to deliver a direct first-person message, as if you were getting an e-mail from a friend. A blog called Where is Raed?, carrying the impressions of a gay Baghdad native who calls himself Salam Pax, is a perfect example. As the war loomed, news of his blog spread virally over the Net—if SARS spread as quickly as Internet word of mouth we’d all be dead by now—and in no time thousands of people were reading his chilling, matter-of-fact account. Today the Ba’ath party people started taking their places in the trenches and main squares and intersections, fully armed and freshly shaven. They looked too clean and well-groomed to defend anything. (At press time, Salam hadn’t posted for days, and no one was sure whether the silence was due to death or loss of Internet access.)

As i saw today the pictures of al-najaf city and the imam-ali-mosque on cnn, things that happened in 1991 comes to my mind. So many ppl are scary to death what would happen then.. well that holly mosque were destroid by the iraqi-guardian itself. If saddam trys now with his propaganda and his yatb (yet another tv-station to bomb) al-jazeera to make the situation screwing up coalition intetions by making it religous conflict, i say.. *na und?* DUH .. Bush is'nt shy naming his wars crusades.
Another thing i read on a silly board: Had the US kept its word to the iraqi people in 1991 ? and here is my answer.. The US wont admit its false-politic, instead it will repare the fault by using its superiority (power). And here we go.. the US are doing it (wil 3a8il yeftihim) *takeitorleaveit*. What realy bugs me, is that iraqi-ministers and thier movements.. how comes they can make thier daily press-briefing till now after bombing all the tv-facilities??
What the propaganda doing, is not givin us a glimpse of reality, it went too crazy.. the news agencies are thinking of thier fame more than the lives of these people who die every day without any debt *it'sverysad* I tell you something wiered happen to me.. *notthatiamsowieredbutitistrue* during the shock & awe campaign.. the entertainment was on the roof.. after that, there was some brake in the operations and may be some presure from the coalition-military on the embeded-reporters as well as independent-reporters.. the news was so boring, that the one in his mind could have said something shameful like, i want bomb.. i want bomb.
But the realy thing is that i cry every day for those lives and evenmore having nightmares with nuclear bombs dropped onto baghdad. *sigh*
Well they are now about 30km away from baghdad and i am scared to death.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003



I am attending to start my blog today and I hope that you, your family, my family and all the Iraqis are safe.
I've found an article about your blog in an iraqi-site called It was a link to asharqilawast-website which posts an article about you and about your blog which been return to be available to the readers again.

After a little bit of googeling, I found your blog and could'nt sleep until I've read the whole 4 months of your posting. I started reading at midnight and finished at 11pm next day... so thanks a lot buddy :-)

I've got two and a half hours of sleeping and immedeatly decided to start my blog as if I was missing some important exam which makes me qualify to say.. Hey I'am also Iraqi ;-)

I know that the coalition had bombed the Sinek-Communication-Center, therefor I do'nt think you can soon blog again unles the 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' allready reaches its goals.

I am realy proud to be one of your readers and hopefuly someday meeting you in the near future.

God bless you Salam