Monday, May 12, 2003

Salam is blogging again. thank god he is ok! :)

Friday, May 09, 2003

Ich habe Lust Heute was zu schreiben *g*

For 2 days my father made another call to my sister and said that the situation is very hard and he can go to work only for 2 hours a day because of the security lack in Baghdad. My father work in the optics field and eye-glasses. In the centre of Baghdad, exactly in Al-Saadoon Street work almost all of the optics businesses. So does he.
I thought of it and i found it's very hard to defend yourself if some armed looters came to you, but I don't know if Iraqi in Baghdad have the right to carry their guns in order to defend themselves *?*
I blamed myself not being able to send money to my family while they don't have any incomes in the mean time. how? I tell you how.. there is an Iraqi with a Netherlands citizenship wants to fly to Iraq thru Syria because his wife is in Baghdad, but the Syrian government didn't gave him the permission so he is trying to fly to Jordan.. my sister told me that she is sending some money with him.
Anyway.. I am waiting for the next call where i will be able to call the number of the thuraya mobile phone and talk to him also. But speaking of guns, I discover a passion of having a gun ( really I do not know why ) may be because of the reports coming from Iraq by us-media making some kind of new freedom, the one which makes the controversial debate in the state recently where the NRA (national rifle association) won the battle using their influence. Is it dangerous or essential for Iraqis  I think that the most urgent step is establishing a new LAW in Iraq.. without it we wont have neither freedom nor democracy.

there was a good news today.. the border control was able to recover some of the looted articles..

Saturday, May 03, 2003

I am very happy today, because I did something to help the kids in Iraq  As you know, I am a member in an internet-community in Stuttgart which called In this site you can find friends and meet them during the regularly parties and events which take place almost every 2 weeks. Otherwise you have the ability to contact them virtually  It is kind of self-therapy sometimes due to the fact that users might not have enough time to make contact with other people because of their jobs, or because of their unemployment.

During the latest events i was very sad that I couldn't do something to help Iraqi in such situations. Still sitting in my small flat in Stuttgart  having no job and looking for Democracy in Iraq. *tsts* So I started to make contact with the administrators of to ask them about donating for the Iraqi children. The Admins were very inspired and they * Benny and Onkel_Fuz * promised me to publish the account number in the front page of the site. So I went to the Red-Cross and other institutes and asked them about the Account-Number and if the money really goes to Iraq and their children. After going here and their the admins and I decided to publish the number of red-cross and they did it since yesterday. Many German friends in this community was very inspired by this idea and they were happy to donate for the children of Iraq.