Monday, June 09, 2003

It it too hot here in germany too. i just finished rearranging my poor furniture in my little tiny flat in stuttgart. what can i do when i do not have something to do? simply changing the decoration because we just used to be bored sooner or later. also i read the gee blog and i sent him an E-Mail because i could'nt reach salam.. why? although he does'nt know me, i know him just like the others.. but there was too many who can not believe him and thought that he was James Bond. I thought from the first reading that salam was real and he as i said always speaks my mind.

I found somthing interesting while searching for a job:

Iraq Infrastructure Reconstruction Program Loay Ibrahim Al-Saied of Al-Bunnia trading company signs a contract as Bechtel procurement manager Tom Elkins looks on. Al-Bunnia is the first Iraqi company to be enlisted as a subcontractor in the post-war reconstruction of Iraq's infrastructure, which Bechtel is managing for the U.S. government. (June 2, 2003)

Well.. how could an iraqi engineer who live in germany become a job in iraq? not all the iraqi are bunnia from the ground.. and germany? can someone in germany even dream of having some contract in iraq? or may be someone in france? and what about iraqi-engineers who want realy to work in their country. i think there is too many qualified iraqi indiveduells arround the world.

I am searching about a suitable and even unsuitable jobs since i finished my 2 years study ( i used to admit this course because the german do not understand what Bachelor of Science means ) *just a joke* but this B.Sc. does'nt worth much here.. they recognized only their 5 years diplom. ratherthan having a recognized german qualification, i could'nt find a job.. sometime they refuse me just because i am an iraqi, especially during the pre war propaganda *uhhwahh iraqi freaks* any way.. I want to work in iraq.. may be when i write something here, some manager might find my blog while he surfs the net thru google*

Once upon a time my ex-gf told me that i have *identitätsprobleme* which means Identity-Problem.. well.. being neither iraqi nor german is not only my problem, more of us have this disease though.

So.. I quit writing positively
... und es ist mir scheiss egal!