Monday, December 22, 2003

Blogging in German

It is almost 2 months since the new feature has been published in our community . We have a huge community with more than 100000 members and we are proudly the no. 1 in the region Baden Württemberg.

We consider our self as the best in this region were we are managing more than 100000 members and have accomplished too many successful events. We call our community also Freizeitgesellschaft, Single Community, Deine Freunde und du, Verkauf dein fernsehe ..

The name Kwick was the idea of Onkel_Fuz. He was and is very impressed by the Simpsons. The same as Benny, Casi and Jali (me) :-)

I am watching the developing-process of blogging in our community and I realized that too many people have started to blog although they didn't know what the word blog means. *g*

I hope that we will make more success in the next year.

For those who are interested by reading in German, this is a list of some of the good blogs in our community:

and last but not least

I wish all a happy new year :)

Monday, December 15, 2003

by the way..

this was sent to me by a friend of mine.. aji..

enjoy ;-)

I was so happy the last day.. my friend Aji called me and invited me to eat an Iraqi food in his house (he cooks very well).. so I decided to take some beer ° with me in order to celebrate such an occasion. Being in a hurry I forgot to buy a ticket. so for the sake of Saddam  I have to pay now 40 € because I did not buy a ticket which is normally cost only 2,05 € :-(

I am working hard here in the company ( and I feel very lucky to be here with those guys.. they are genius :-)

Ah.. by the way.. Sherry sent me again an E-Mail gratulating me for starting blogging again.. thanks Sherry.. you are so cute :)

I will check up Salam ' s blog again, because I like to read his blog and for me.. he is the one.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

I am watching the new on CNN, NBC and some other German-Channels..
I do not know what the arbaic media broadcast are saying about this issue, but I do not think that it is a good idea to listin to those jealous
so let it be written.. so let it be done.. (faraon)

and it is done by now.. Saddam Hussein is captured by the us troops in a spider hole (7ofra / jo7or) .

but Mohammed Saeed Al Sahhaf refused to believe this