Thursday, January 22, 2004

Hey.. Don't think about democracy in Iraq.. especially these days.. the political atmosphere seems to be scary.. without legislation and out of order, too many political parities do there job under the law of uncertainness and anarchy. I said this to one of my friends, without (distoor) legislation/ constitutional law nobody can even dream about democracy in Iraq..

I hate religion.. i wont support no party having religious principles.. we want to live our life without fear.. religion brings always fear and depression to those whom believe within and to those whom not..

So forget about democracy in Iraq for the moment, because the big issue right now is the election in the USA (wouldn't you agree with me?)

I slept the last night almost only 3 hours because I wanted to watch the speech of president Bush live on air through CNN ( naturally CNN-USA and not CNN-International *hate* ).

There wasn't enough impression that this guy can held another period. The political rally in the USA especially from the democrats is getting more serious than I've ever thought. I considerer myself always as a democrat but when you look at the candidates, you can not be sure if there is someone that can compete with this guy.

After the IOWA-Caucuses (that was really funny and complicated , I became to think seriously and believe that John Kerry will be the next President of the United State of America.. I think I like this Guy. Without forgetting to mention that John Edward has a huge amount of Sympathy ( He's just like the Legend Kennedy ).

So the last night entertainment was really wonderful, especialy when I recognized the Head of our Land (periodically) Adnan Pachaaaachy ( pronounces just like pataki (NY)) *g* He was as an Honour Guest in the House of Representatives Chamber *WOW* standing nearby the first lady ;-) what a glory *hehe*

Any way I hope that the period of darkness will ends this year.

Agree with me? send me an email... Otherwise get the hell out of my Site ;-)

Friday, January 02, 2004

Today I bought kleenex.
Anyone knows what I am talking about? I mean you can clean your clothes with tide :-)

Product names made changes in our language .. but it is cool