Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Every time when I heard about unrest in Iraq, I lost in too many details and thoughts  I do not like to write about, who did all those bomb-attacks, who' s behind the terrorists? WHY no body declared responsibility for those attacks. I hate the idea that people accept to be blind and remote-control machines used by others and go into Iraq in order to explode themselves inside a place full with innocent Iraqis when the signal comes. It is nothing else as a cranky idealism and fundamentalism. Why couldn't they realise the truth that Iraqis wont need them and never thought that they will use such brutalities? Any way.. I hate to hear the news everyday.. I almost quit paying attention to those incidents, although it make me sad.

I needed though to read what Salam write about those incidents. But salam afandi is also quite and may be when he starts to write again, he will write about something else. *naja.. mal schauen*

By the way I was yesterday in the theatre and I watched the movie Pay Check. It was not bad .. I advice you to go to theatre and see this movie..

Something to read:
Bill Gates, software mogul, is a contradiction: both geeky and predatory; an arch capitalist and history's most generous philanthropist. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which he runs with his wife, is 10 times the size of Rockefeller's charitable foundation and three times that of Henry Ford's. It has surpassed the Wellcome Trust, the London charity that was once the world's largest. Global health, rather than grand libraries, are its chief cause. He has pledged to give away his $46bn (£28bn) fortune - derived largely from stock in his company - before he dies.